Thursday, August 30, 2018

Happy Belated 25th Birtday Nakajima Yuto

Konnichiwa Minna!!! Since this is supposed to be a birthday post message, so I would like to greet a very happy belated birthday to you Nakajima Yuto. It is almost the end of August, I know. Have a please and wonderful year ahead. Please be happy and healthy always.
This year so many things happened, either in RL or in my fandom life. To be honest, I have an argue in me whether I should post something in Yuto's birthday or not. Both fandom live and RL are killing me. However, the last 10th of August was so special because it was Yuto's 25th birthday and Yuto is too dear to be abandoned. Happy birthday dear Nakajima Yuto, you, the core of my happiness. You, never ever failed to make my day, please be healthy, be happy, and be hype as always. Don't make your number of age limit the way you express yourself. Please always be the Nakajima yuto we all know, the one who never ever failed to make people around you be happy. However, do not ever force yourself, ne. We love you as you, as Nakajima Yuto. 
This month, August, something happened in me; something that I never imagine before. For the nth times, I have an argue to "quit" and to close this blog of mine. When my hearth and head walked in different paths, it is killing me. To be honest, this Yamajima is the reason why am I still here at the moment. Despite my murmur here, I want to say omedettou to Yuto as Daichi Suzuki in Suits Japanese series. Really, can't wait for this dorama. I like Mike Ross character so much and I really anticipate for Yuto's. Ganbatte ne Yuto! I know you can do it good. Yuto and Yuko will unite again after Boku gohan the movie.This Daichi Suzuki is a real good chance for Yuto to show his acting skill. Ganbatte!!!
The last part of this post, I would like to say ganbatte to Keito. This month, August, will be the last month I could see you in TV shows. I miss you already. Ganbatte ne Keito! One day, even if I am not here (in this fandom) anymore I still want to greet you when you comeback to JUMP. JUMP will always be a part of me. I am so happy in this fandom. However, sometimes something unexpected comes to our life and change a part of it. Something that we can't resist. I always love JUMP, especially you, Nakajima Yuto, the boy who I follow since Yayayah! show up until now. 
Once again Happy belated birthday Nakajima Yuto ! Your age is a quarter of century now. You have very right to do what you want to do. If you want to have a girlfriend or even to get married, you have the right to do that. Don't force yourself. Remember to be happy, healthy, and of course be yourself always. Love you.  

Saturday, August 4, 2018

Ganbatte! Keiton!

Konnichiwa minna!! Genki kai?
Seperti yang telah kita ketahui bersama bahwa Keito akan 'hiatus' selama dua tahun ke depan. Keito akan pergi ke Amerika per September tahun ini; bulan Agustus ini menjadi bulan terakhir JUMP bersama Keito sebelum Keito kembali lagi ke pangkuan JUMP di dua tahun yang akan datang.
Bulan Agustus yang menjadi sangat emotional untuk ku, ada banyak perasaan di bulan ini. Mulai dari bitter-sweet feeling karena ini bulan terakhir bisa liat Keito sampai doki-doki gak sabar buat Album dan ulang tahun Yuto yang ke-25th. Kembali ke Keito, tadi malam di Music Station (MS) menjadi performance terakhir Keito sebelum 'hiatus'. Keito, Aku akan sangat merindukan mu di dua tahun yang akan datang. I gonna miss you so much.
Waktu Jun (Matsumoto) bilang, "kalau liat foto 15 tahun yang lalu ini, dan liat Keito yang sekarang sangat berkembang". Jun kayak 'ayah' ne~ Kalau diingat-ingat dulu waktu pertama HSJ debut itu, Keito memang suka sekali menghindari kamera. Ada salah satu scene di footage-nya 'Ikinari' itu, Keito justru lari dari belakang cameraman waktu mau di shoot. Trus inget gak waktu tent-talk nya Jumping Car, di situ Yama bilang kalau Keito dulu tiap kali mau nyampaikan sesuatu selalu berbisik ke Yama. Keitoooo...... Keito dirimu harus lebih percaya diri. Yosh!!! Dulu juga, berkali-kali member JUMP itu protes ke Keito karena suara Keito yang terlalu kecil. Yah! kalau dibandingkan sama Yama dan Daichan yang suaranya memang paling kuat dan ribut di JUMP, suara Keito pasti ketutup. Hehehe..... Inget gak waktu di 'JUMP party 2' yang main karuta? Berkali-kali member bilang ke Keito supaya lebih semangat waktu nyebutin nilai yang di dapat. hehehe... Natsukasi na.... Ketika nanti kembali ke JUMP, ingin liat Keito lebih bangga sama dirinya sendiri! tanpa kehilangan berbagai sisi baik dan humble Keito tentunya. Humble Keito is the best. Ganbatte Keito!
Keito si baik hati, ganbatte ne! Kalau kata Yuyan, dua tahun itu waktu yang lama dan banyak hal yang bisa terjadi selama dua tahun; kalau Keito tidak bersungguh-sungguh maka dua tahun akan berlalu begitu saja. Sou, desu ne! Banyak hal yang dapat terjadi selama dua tahun ke depan dan semua harus bersiap. Apapun itu, kami akan menunggu Keito untuk kembali ke JUMP. Ganbatte ne Keito!
Tadi malam di MS Keito bilang, nanti ketika Ia kembali dari Amerika dua lagi, Ia ingin menjadi lebih mature. Ganbatte! We'll wait for you. Untuk ku secara personal, waktu dua tahun rasanya sangat cepat berlalu. Rasanya baru dua hari yang lalu aku memutuskan sesuatu dan hari ini masa dua tahun itu sudah berada di penghujungnya. Aku juga ingin melakukan sesuatu, sama seperti Keito. Aku juga ingin menjadi lebih mature. Watashi mo ganbarimasu!!!!
Baby Keito We'll gonna miss you so much! Ganbatte ne Keiton!! 
Tha's all!
And this is as a bonus  ^____-

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