Sunday, September 25, 2011

おめでっとう ございますJUMP

Today 24th September 2011 and it’s a big day for Hey! Say! JUMP since its JUMP’s 4th Anniversary today. おめでっとう ございますJUMP. Four years ago [24th September 2004] at Johnny’s Jr Concert in Yokohama Arena TEN young boys announced as a new officially Group debuted in Johnny’s as Hey! Say! JUMP. 
Four years ago since everything’s begun and WE will always support Hey! Say! JUMP no matter what because WE love JUMP and will always be. WE will always support JUMP to stay together until the end. JUMP is TEN and forever will be TEN.
おめ でっとう ございますJUMP 
 Happy 4th Anniversary JUMP おめ でっとう ございますJUMP Selamat  Hari Jadi JUMP ke- 4 おめ でっとう ございますJUMP
 おめ でっとう ございますJUMP
  Selamat  Hari Jadi JUMP ke- 4 おめ でっとう ございますJUMPHappy 4th Anniversary JUMP おめ でっとう ございますJUMP
 おめ でっとう ございますJUMP

 Asian Looks Magazine volume #12
On the other hand today I found so many Hey! Say! JUMP pictures in the local magazine. Hohohoo~!!! Actually its all were not mine, its all belongs to my cousin. Since my cousin is a big fan of Korea so she bought many kinds of Asian magazine that contain of Korean Idol and lucky for me there’s Hey! Say! JUMP on the magazine that she bought. [Lucky]

 Asian Looks Magazine volume #12

 Asian Looks Magazine volume #12

chinen yuri on  Asian Looks Magazine volume #12

 Asian Looks Magazine volume #12

 Asian Looks Magazine volume #12

yamada ryosuke on Asian Looks Magazine volume #12

yuto's profile on Asian Looks Magazine volume #12

 Asian Looks Magazine volume #12
On these magazine all of the articles were the general thing about JUMP; actually I already knew all the things written on the articles but still it’s quite interesting since I never saw Hey! Say! JUMP in local magazines before. It made me really happy. It’s like another gift for Hey! Say! JUMP Anniversary to me.
Hey! Say! JUMP Profile on Top Idol Magazine
Hey! Say! JUMP on Top Idol Magazine

Sugee ureshi….!!!!!

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