Wednesday, September 24, 2014

7th Anniversary Omedettou JUMP!!!

Time really flies so fast. It is just like a blink of eyes and then it is 7 years already. In this seen years of JUMP there are so many things had happened. What I can say here is, JUMP is not a baby anymore.

In this 7 years of JUMP there are so many things had happened in JUMP and even the history has changed. I believe that everything has it's own consequences, and that what's happened to JUMP. Now, JUMP already became a mature band, I believe. How they solved a misunderstanding between members proof that. 7 years of JUMP, I am so glad I am a part of this fandom, witnessing wonderful kids grown up became a fine young man. 7 years of JUMP, if it were a kid then it is the time for him to enroll elementary school; so does JUMP there are so many things waiting for JUMP in the future. 
7th Anniversary Omedettou JUMP!!!

Wish the bond among JUMP members will be stronger and stronger in every single day. Keep JUMPing higher JUMP!!! We will always support all of you minna! 

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