Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Hey!Say! JUMP Concert in Local Media

Today I found that there's Hey!Say! JUMP concert news in local media, the news was about the success JUMP concert outside Japan (Hong Kong). The title was "Hey!Say!Jump! Sukses Gelar Konser Pertama di Luar Jepang". It was released by an online local media http://rollingstone.co.id. The article said that JUMP's concert in Kitec Star Hall, Hong Kong was succeed and attended by more than 10.000 people. In the concert JUMP sang about 29 songs in unique costume (cute costume more exactly). And the most interesting about this article is this article said that this is the first time for Johnny Kitagawa attended a concert outside Japan after more than 10 years (Wow!!!!) and Johnny Kitagawa said that if this concert was succeed he will considered other outside country concert like in Hawaii or Las Vegas. OK.
So, Why he doesn't considered to have concert in Southeast Asia, Indonesia maybe.
Yeah! What ever it is I really happy there's Hey! Say! JUMP in local media, it means more people know about JUMP. 
Let's Spread JUMP's LOVE All Over The World.

 Really can't wait for their 2nd Album already

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