Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Just let him go....

2nd January 2012 was a very big day for JUMP fans all over the world; JUMP held their very first concert for this year and there were many good news announcements that JUMP will have their very fist Asia tour concert and Yabu announced his exam pass to Waseda University.  Until yesterday JUMP fans so excited about the concert report, where JUMP sang their “super delicate” song and there were YamaJima moments there, including me.
I remember when Ryutaro said that he wanted to have great school days in high school and he had an obsession to go to koshien league with his baseball club. Hope you could reach your entire dream in high school; enjoy your school life normally like another high schooler. 
I know JUMP members and fans will always love you and support you because you are part of JUMP always; me myself will always love and support you my beloved "dragon". I know I gonna miss you so much, actually I already missed you a lot. It's so sad but what can i do; all I can do is just pray all the best for you, hope you enjoy your life, be happy always with your family and friends, and do your best for your life.

we love you and always support you for every decision that you made.....

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